ComponentRenders a form from Marketo.
<MarketoFormformId={9999}marketoForm={{result: [{id: 'FirstName',label: 'First Name:',dataType: 'text',validationMessage: 'This field is required.',required: true,visibilityRules: {ruleType: 'alwaysShow',},},{id: 'LastName',label: 'Last Name:',dataType: 'text',validationMessage: 'This field is required.',required: true,visibilityRules: {ruleType: 'alwaysShow',},},{id: 'Email',label: 'Business Email:',dataType: 'email',validationMessage:"Must be valid email. <span class='mktoErrorDetail'>example@yourdomain.com</span>",required: true,visibilityRules: {ruleType: 'alwaysShow',},},{id: 'Company',label: 'Company:',dataType: 'text',validationMessage: 'This field is required.',required: true,visibilityRules: {ruleType: 'alwaysShow',},},{id: 'FavoriteProduct',label: 'Favorite HashiCorp Product',dataType: 'select',required: true,validationMessage: 'This field is required.',visibilityRules: {ruleType: 'alwaysShow',},fieldMetaData: {values: [{ label: 'Terraform', value: 'terraform' },{ label: 'Packer', value: 'packer' },{ label: 'Consul', value: 'consul' },{ label: 'Vault', value: 'vault' },{ label: 'Boundary', value: 'boundary' },{ label: 'Nomad', value: 'nomad' },{ label: 'Waypoint', value: 'waypoint' },{ label: 'Vagrant', value: 'vagrant' },]}},{id: 'appendToNotes',label: 'Comments',dataType: 'textArea',required: false,validationMessage: 'This field is required.',visibilityRules: {ruleType: 'alwaysShow'}},{id: 'Phone',label: 'Phone:',dataType: 'text',validationMessage: 'This field is required.',required: false,visibilityRules: {ruleType: 'show',rules: [{subjectField: 'fastTracktoSales',operator: 'is',values: ['yes'],altLabel: 'Phone Number:'}]},},{id: 'fastTracktoSales',label: "I'd like a sales person to contact me about a trial or pricing.",dataType: 'checkbox',validationMessage: 'This field is required.',rowNumber: 6,columnNumber: 0,required: false,formPrefill: true,fieldMetaData: {initiallyChecked: false,},visibilityRules: {ruleType: 'alwaysShow',},},{id: 'Consent_Privacy_Policy__c',dataType: 'checkbox',validationMessage: 'This field is required.',rowNumber: 6,columnNumber: 0,required: true,formPrefill: true,fieldMetaData: {initiallyChecked: false,},visibilityRules: {ruleType: 'alwaysShow',},}]}}submitTitle="Download Now"onSubmitSuccess={() => alert('Success!')}onSubmitFailure={() => alert('Failure!')}/>
Name | Description |
formId* number | The numeric ID of the Marketo form that this component is rendering. |
marketoForm* object | The API response containing the fields of the form this component should render. |
groups object | Mapping of fields that should be rendered with a single component. |
components object | Custom components to use instead of the built-in components Object contains nested props, see below: |
components.text React.ComponentType | Component to use for text fields |
components.email React.ComponentType | Component to use for email fields |
components.select React.ComponentType | Component to use for select fields |
components.checkbox React.ComponentType | Component to use for checkbox fields |
components.hidden React.ComponentType | Component to use for hidden fields |
submitTitle string | Title to use for the submit button |
className string | Additional classNames passed to the form element. |
onSubmitSuccess function | Callback function invoked on submission success |
onSubmitFailure function | Callback function invoked on submission failure |