Component<div style={{ padding: 24, background: 'white' }}><Quotetext="Amet, nisl massa id egestas tincidunt urna tortor id bibendum. Mauris elit nunc fermentum elit mi varius suspendisse ut dictum. Nec a, massa vitae, viverra ultricies."avatar="https://www.datocms-assets.com/2885/1560891392-cropped0000armon.jpg"name="Name"role="Company, Role"/></div>
Light theme
Amet, nisl massa id egestas tincidunt urna tortor id bibendum. Mauris elit nunc fermentum elit mi varius suspendisse ut dictum. Nec a, massa vitae, viverra ultricies.
Dark theme
Amet, nisl massa id egestas tincidunt urna tortor id bibendum. Mauris elit nunc fermentum elit mi varius suspendisse ut dictum. Nec a, massa vitae, viverra ultricies.
Name | Description |
text string | The text displayed as the quote |
avatar string | Source url of the image |
name* string | Renders as the first line of the byline |
role* string | Renders as the second line of the byline |
appearance string | Render on light or dark backgrounds |